Saturday, April 12, 2008

a sea turtle laying her eggs

Penyu bertelur, originally uploaded by yniav.

This is also my first time watching a sea turtle laying her eggs. When the time is coming, a mature nesting female sea turtle comes up to the beach to find suitable sand on which to create a nest. She dug a circular hole 40 to 50 centimeters deep and filling the nest with eggs one by one until it has deposited around 150 to 200 eggs, depending on the turtle's species. Don't try to disturb her, because she can cancel her aim to laying her eggs and go back to the sea. After finish laying eggs, she refilled the hole by sand to make it visually undetected and then return to the sea. The whole process takes around thirty minutes to a little over an hour.

1 comment:

Story Fairy said...

Ummm Tante Rie. I can't even see the turtle's eggies. I only can see the shell and back feet.